Megan Ann Wilson Megan Ann Wilson

Whisky, Style and Soul - Welcome to the Wiserhood

My name is Megan and I love whisky - but truth be told, I haven't always. I was rather dark liquor averse after going through a rather traumatic (read: vomit everywhere kind of night) with rum as young(er) lass. However, as my palette has refined and my alcoholic consumption has gone from college binge drinking to the occasional drink out with friends once or twice month. I've become a believer in the brown as I hate overly precious, syrupy cocktails and prefer spice over sweet. I love trying new bourdons, scotches - all relatives in the whisky family - either neat or with water or even with ginger ale or lemon tea. I've noticed a larger trend of women in my age demographic drinking whisky and embracing brown liquors outside of rum. Whisky is no longer a drink for purely the country or old men, but for those who have graduated from less sophisticated spirits.

Personally, I've stuck to exploring brands from the Southern United States since I affiliated whiskey and bourbon with majestical places like Kentucky and Tennessee but I've neglected the fact that some of the best and oldest whiskeys come from Canada. My country may be known for our beer consumption and production but we have roots in whisky too!

Believe it or not, Wiser's Canadian Deluxe Whisky was first distilled in 1857 - making it 10 years older than Canada itself. Another Canadian export is of course, comedy. From SCTV to most The Daily Show staffers - we're known for having a rather pronounced funny bone. 

Wiser's plays to Canada's cheeky, self-effacing humour in their ad campaigns using regular-looking guys who do little things to make sure they have an uncompromising commitment to quality - and not look like a fool. Take for instance, this man's ingenious way to get out of holding a very precious pink purse.

I dare you not to giggle - or better yet applaud that commercial. Some whiskies and scotches can be a little snobby, so Wiser's makes the beverage a little more light hearted. While the Wiserhood is all made up of men, I respect their collective sense of style and humour. Personally, I'd rather have a fun night with someone that can make me laugh and laugh at himself, than someone who takes his booze far too seriously. Just please, don't make me giggle when I'm drinking as whisky through the nose might sound medicinal - it's not a ton of fun.

Believe it or not, the Wiserhood is growing and looking for more uncompromising, interesting men. The campaign entitled "Wiser's Wants You" allows men to enter a contest through Facebook that eventually leads to a grand prize of a starring role in one of Wiser's silly but smart advertisements. 

Now the first step is register and then fill out the form. I was checking out, I have to say that I love that the style choices are as important as the booze! I can only champion the style selections in the contest. It inspired me to take these style cues and include in my own list on the type of man that I'd like to see in the Wiserhood - and perhaps on a date!

First, we have facial hair - a rather divisive category for most women and men. I can't say I'm one for a moustache like the corporal or an overly chiselled chin strap as I feel like it often looks like someone drew an outline for a beard with magic marker but never filled it in. The low yield is the obvious choice for a relaxed take on facial hair as it says "I care" but not "I spend more time grooming than sleeping". Personally, I would have added my own fifth choice - the beard. When a beard is well lined up, sharp and generally well groomed, it elevates a man of from grizzly to great. It's always beard season, my darlings.

Next, we move on to neckwear. I'm not really one for bow ties or the sweater around the shoulders as they can often look too dandy or done up for my taste. I think for a man in the Wiserhood, it's probably best to opt for a well knotted, not overly thick tie or skinny to the point of lollipop head. Or, perhaps - no tie at all. Whisky is not really a button up drink to me.

As for how to drink the over 100 years of Canadian tradition this shouldn't be a rocket science. Drinking whisky in anything other than a tumbler seems uncivilized. A cocktail glass or champagne flute doesn't allow the whisky to open up, especially if you add rocks or some water - how one should properly taste a whiskey. Straight from the bottle isn't recommended after all, Wiserhood wannabe - I don't want your germs all in my drink. 

Now, for my own extra tests to see if a man has uncompromising character and style, we must speak about footwear. Outside of a man's smile - shoes are the first thing I take notice of on a man as I think you can tell a lot about a person by their footwear. I'm a sneaker girl so I'd be happy to see a man in a classic pair of kicks, like a Jordan I or III. For a refined evening, a modern wingtip like the Cole Haan LunarGrand is comfortable but polished - bonus points for trying to the metallic hues. 

Next, we need to talk accessories as a whole. If you wear a pinky ring, you might be better suited for martini than a glass of whisky and if your nails are on the dirty side, may I suggest rubbing clean your nails - not drink. And please, no watch should have more "ice" than your drink. "Ice" or diamonds on both watches and worn as jewelry are the worst investment you can make, a simple gold chain or watch lasts forever and shows you're in it for the long haul unlike ice which is an immediate red flag. How can you buy me a drink if you're wearing all your money on your wrist? Tsk, tsk.

Finally my last and final tests that would get plenty of "slow claps" is personality! This may seem like an easy one, but a genuine, open personality with a great sense of humour goes so far. Manners, a sweet soul a good laugh and an open bar make up for any style flubs in the long run. 

If you think you're worthy of accolades of the Wiserhood, make sure you apply on Wiser's Wants You Facebook page. Call backs will begin in 2014 where 200 entrants will be judged on a casting sheet and judged on a "slow clap" or "no clap" vote. The most uncompromising will be crowned the winner of the contest and become the face of the newest Wiserhood commercial. It's kind of a big deal. Will you be entering? Let me know and I'll be sure to vote for you in the next round!

And finally, I will leave you with these wise words of who I consider an honorary member of the Wiserhood, Ron Burgundy. I suggest such a routine every time you drink you whisky, scotch and bourbon. Cheers.

This is a sponsored post by Wiser's Canada. Please drink responsibly. 

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